Digital twins birth personalized AI experimentation

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The Future. While deepfakes are associated with misinformation and copyright-infringing content, digital twins could revolutionize our lives and society in a positive way. If the technology becomes cheap and accessible for mass adoption, expect people to test every wellness regimen, drug therapy, and exercise routine on their digital twin before they give it a go.

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Digital twins could be AI duplicates of anything — from ourselves, a city, to the entire Earth.

  • These models allow data to be inputted that can manipulate the models, letting people test different theories, therapies, or any number of experiments that may be too risky to try on real bodies or environments.
  • One company, Twin Health, creates digital twins of patients using Bluetooth-connected sensors to monitor humans in real time. Doctors can then analyze the digital twin to offer personalized diet, sleep, and exercise tips.
  • LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman created a digital twin that he could interact with (the ultimate talking out loud to oneself) and even sent it to a Bloomberg event to take part in an onstage interview.
  • And artist FKA Twigs made a digital double to do all her publicity from now on. Talk about a win for mental health.

The digital twins market is expected to be huge in the coming years. Consulting company Gartner expects it to hit $379 billion in ten years (it’s worth about $35 billion today), driven mainly by the health industry. 

Expect human trials to look very different in the next decade.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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