Big Tech hoards all the AI experts

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The Future. The explosive popularity of generative AI programs — particularly large language models (LLMs) — has created a huge demand for workers with backgrounds in the technology. Big Tech is offering programmers, copywriters, and even product managers record sums for AI jobs, but that’s made it nearly impossible for small, open-source startups to compete in the sector. For now, at least, the rich will only get richer.

(Not so) open season
Tech giants are hoarding AI experts by offering them lavish compensation packages.

  • AI has become one of the highest-paid employment sectors, with major firms offering $100,000 to fresh talent and up to nearly $1 million to seasoned veterans.
  • While engineers and programmers fluent in Python and deep-learning databases are the most coveted employees, companies now also need copywriters and product managers who understand AI well enough to train models.
  • Major tech firms can essentially monopolize this talent by paying more for it than startups can afford to.

On the horAIzon
It probably won’t always be this way. As companies prioritize integrating AI into their corporate processes, and the general workforce sees more opportunities to become fluent in the technology, the supply of AI experts will grow and become more evenly distributed throughout the economy.

For now, though, it’s an AI specialist’s market. Now’s a good time to become one.

Luke Perrotta


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