Genuine Impression wants to make Oscar films go viral

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The Future. A new Hollywood PR firm wants to help international and documentary films find their footing during Oscar season through strictly digital and social media campaigns. Considering how current moviegoing trends have seemingly shut out those types of films from the zeitgeist (with notable exceptions), bringing Oscar campaigning into the modern age could help these titles find unexpected life at the box office.

Social strategy
Can under-the-radar Oscar hopefuls find an audience during the heat of awards season? That’s what Genuine Impression is banking on.

  • Veteran award-strategists Dor Dotson and Matt Delman are merging their respective Genuine Article and 3rd Impression firms to launch a new agency solely dedicated to helping craft digital campaigns for independent films.
  • The duo partnered after launching successful campaigns for Oscar-nominated titles like The Mole Agent, RRR, and To Kill a Tiger.

Dotson and Delman’s plan to leverage social media and targeted digital ad spends to market movies seems obvious in the age of the creator economy. But the world of Oscar campaigning is still a bit of a dinosaur, relying on exclusive For Your Consideration screenings, billboards in LA and NYC, magazine spreads, and celebrity cheerleaders.

And times are changing — the Academy’s membership is now younger and more diverse, and independent-minded companies have embraced streaming as a necessary platform for global recognition, especially as Netflix has doubled down on local language productions.

In other words, campaigning has moved online, so arthouse cinema needs to go viral if it wants to stay culturally relevant.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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