The ID behind NFTs

NFTs could be used to streamline and optimize record-keeping, document transference, and fundraising in a variety of industries that people engage with every day.

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The ID behind NFTs


Future. NFTs could be used to streamline and optimize record-keeping, document transference, and fundraising in a variety of industries that people engage with every day. While onboarding people to use NFTs could be a big task, we may all soon be carrying QR codes in our pockets (that represent code on the blockchain) in order to go to the doctor’s office or apply for a job.

Scan your NFT here
In the future, NFTs could be used for way more than just arts and entertainment, including:

  • Education. NFTs could be used to store a person’s educational profile or even a diploma with a verified breakdown of the student’s history and grades within that program. That beats the current method of having to request diplomas from university registrars and mail endless copies of transcripts.
  • Medicine. NFTs could be used to create a universal file for patient data, which has historically been, what professionals call, a total mess. Forced redundant treatments, chaotic patient-data management, and a lack of interoperability across providers could be a thing of the past.
  • Charity and fundraising. NFTs could create a new paradigm in raising money for nonprofits or charities. The offerings could commemorate a historical event and then be used to reach a younger, online donor base. It may even build a new community around those organizations.
    • For example, the campaign NFT4GOOD sold digital trading cards of 88 Asian-American personalities to raise money for #StopAsianHate.

Of course, there are still several issues with NFTs (carbon footprint, public-facing code, blockchain choice) that could make adoption difficult. But taking the time to figure out those kinks could be worth the upside.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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