Tubi tries AI curation

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The Future. Tubi is the first streaming platform to get its own AI-powered recommendation tool, which could significantly cut down on how long it takes for users to find something to watch. If Tubi users respond positively, expect every streamer to have a similar tool before the year is through.

ChatGPT presents…
Tubi’s Rabbit AI wants to help users stop the “endless scroll” for something to watch.

  • The ChatGPT-powered feature (which can speak to you too now) will be available at the bottom of Tubi’s mobile app, where it lets users ask for custom, detailed recommendations.
  • The tool will then surface a list of relevant titles, which users can save to their watchlists.
  • The search history will also be saved for users to refer back to and to be fed into the algorithm that recommends titles on their homepages.
  • The tool is currently in beta and available to roughly two-thirds of Tubi users.

Tubi senior director of product Blake Bassett says there are three types of users: people who know what they want to watch, people who have a vague idea of what they want to watch, and users who have no clue and don’t want to think about what to find.

With one in five streamers binge-watching shows simply because it’s too hard to find something else to watch, the tool could be a major asset for that second subset… especially when Tubi users have over 200,00 titles to choose from.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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