Hot vacation destinations now want the right kind of tourists

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The Future. As tourism hits record numbers, so has bad behavior… and top vacation destinations around the world have had enough, issuing several new roadblocks to entering and enjoying their most popular sights. To ensure tourism remains sustainable, expect countries to start targeting people who they want to visit… and discouraging those who they really don’t… based on their search history.

European restriction
The party’s officially over at some of the world’s top travel destinations, especially in Europe.

  • Places like Barcelona, Venice, Ibiza, Amsterdam, and Bali have introduced tourism tolls (from $5 to $100 per day), removed bus routes from Google Maps, and restricted access to alcohol.
  • And countries like New Zealand, Iceland, and the Canary Islands are trying to market to travelers who aim to be more respectful of the land, culture, and customs instead of treating locales like their own playgrounds.
  • Amsterdam, which has a long-standing reputation for being a destination for rowdy tourists, even wants to control the number of hotel beds available to tourists and cap construction on hotels to curb overcrowding.

The changes come as travel has skyrocketed post-COVID. It’s not necessarily that people are that much crazier or more disrespectful than they used to be — it’s just that there are more people now than ever. The World Travel and Tourism Council estimates that 2024 will be a record-breaker.

Now, cities just don’t want people literally breaking things.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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