Sam Altman remakes OpenAI in his own image

Together with

The Future. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has hit the gas since being reinstated as CEO in November after a very, very brief firing, inking several deals and considering a major restructuring of the company that would ensure he’s likely never ousted again. With so much money and power on the line, don’t expect OpenAI to ever pull the trigger on handing over control to “humanity” as he previously promised.

Generating a takeover
Having pushed out the board members and execs who were behind his ouster, including board member and safety advocate Helen Toner and chief scientist Ilya Sutskever, Sam Altman is more powerful than ever at OpenAI.

  • He struck a deal with Apple to potentially have ChatGPT supercharge an updated version of Siri — something Microsoft, OpenAI’s largest investor, doesn’t seem too happy about.
  • He announced that the company is already training the next iteration of ChatGPT, which could leapfrog any publicly available LLM… despite the ongoing safety and copyright risks.
  • He’s discussing changing OpenAI’s unique profit/nonprofit structure into a fully for-profit one where he could take equity in the company (something he famously hadn’t done).

Somehow, Altman has also been allowed to carve out time for endeavors outside of OpenAI. That includes an ambitious chipmaking startup trying to raise up to $100 billion and an AI-hardware device project in collaboration with former Apple designer Jony Ive, rumored to be a pair of AI-powered earbuds with a forward-facing camera.

Those two projects, of course, will benefit OpenAI, too.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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