6 Tips on How To Find a Career That’s Right for You

Follow these important tips to find the career that's best for you. Your future profession can find growth with these best practices.

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Are you looking for a new career path to discover? Maybe you are just finishing up school and are ready to make a name for yourself. Then again, maybe you just want a job that you love that will allow you to pay the bills, not to mention give you enough free time for your hobbies and passions outside of work. 

No matter your preferences in the professional world, there are many ways to find the career of your dreams. You can land right where you want to be by following these best practices.

Take a look at the advice from those who have been there firsthand, and use their hard-learned lessons to help set yourself up for success. Whether you are making a career change or looking to use your talents at your current job, you can forge a path toward satisfaction and personal growth within your ideal career. 

1. Research Your Industry

Before you step foot into the perfect career, you need to learn what it’s all about. What are the norms within this industry? What skill set is most valuable? What are normal working hours? What type of training do you need? What is the work environment like? And what’s the projected income for you going forward? Find out the answers to these and many more questions to see if this truly is a career path worth pursuing. Sometimes the best way to do this is to look at different job descriptions for occupations you’re interested in pursuing. 

If you don’t like the answers to your questions, the good news is that there is plenty of time and resources to find the right career path. You aren’t stuck in this area, there are many different careers to explore, and there’s plenty of time to research something new and take career assessments to point you in the right direction. 

Then again, if you do like what you see, you can be that much more excited about what’s ahead. 

It’s also a good idea to follow any key people in your industry of choice online. Start following pages or accounts on social media, sign up for newsletters, subscribe to blogs and podcasts, and more. The more you can immerse yourself now, the more prepared you’ll be for the future. 

2. Tell People What You Want To Do

You never know who knows who, and the best way to find out is to widen your search. Tell those in your circle, even if they’re in different professions than you, about your career aspirations. They just may be able to help. By being upfront with people about what it is you want to do, they can help with professional advancement in the form of shadowing, professional guidance, and mentorship. Even if they don’t have a source now, they may come across one in the future. 

Don’t be afraid to rely on those close to you and allow them to help you land your dream career. Even if their help is simply information or a stepping stone to your eventual goal, their help can place you where you want to be.

Don’t overlook just how powerful this support can be going forward. It’s one more way to grow your potential career while advancing your network in the process. Besides, this is a great way to grow and hone your people skills along the way. Gain insight into how you talk about your job, perfect your elevator pitch, and more. 

Count all of this as pre-job training and a great way to boost your qualifications going forward. 

3. Pay Your Dues

This is the part that no one wants to hear about, and it’s not hard to see why. Paying your dues is often associated with grunt work, being a volunteer, or being the low man on the totem pole. And sometimes, it’s both of those things. But it’s also a great way — and a great time — to learn about your new industry. 

From an internship to an entry-level position, don’t discount any of these roles, especially if you’re a current college student or in high school. They can be where you get your big break. Not only do you get to work within your industry of choice, but you can also pick the brain of trained professionals. 

All while proving your worth. By doing a great job and learning as you go, you can set yourself up for serious success. Work your way up the ladder, make connections, and create the opportunity for growth in your industry of choice. This is one of the best ways to pad your resume. 

4. Ask People About Their Jobs

This is another one of those ideas that’s so simple yet incredibly effective. Ask around and see what you can find out. Talk first to family members about what they do. What is their job? How do they like it? What does a day in their role look like? LinkedIn now has a way for job seekers to message experienced professionals in a specific field. You can use this to get an insider look at a career this way, as well as a recommendation (or lack thereof) from someone who works directly in this field. 

Next, expand your research to friends or newcomers that you meet. It doesn’t have to be an industry style of questions, either. You can simply say, “I’m looking into various careers. Can you tell me about yours?” Most will be more than happy to help you by offering their information. They might even have insider info on other careers, or connections to someone working within a personal interest of yours. 

As mentioned above, don’t be afraid to talk to others about what they do and ask for info. You never know who knows who or is willing to help you in your quest to find the perfect job.

5. Evaluate Your Skills

Now it’s time to look at your skills, aptitudes, and interests. What can you do? What do you like to do? These alone will help you navigate an entire world of career choices. It will also eliminate several fields before you ever get started. There is no reason to research areas that don’t interest you, so leave these off right from the get-go. You also should know your personality type and personality traits.

Some of the best ways to evaluate your skills include: 

  • Personality tests
  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
  • Career tests 
  • Self-assessment
  • Workshops
  • Informational interviewing

This is a simple way to avoid wasting your time. Don’t invest in what doesn’t work for you. Simply put, right? Yet many of us cast too wide of a net when we are first searching for a job. 

Many possibilities are available to you, but that doesn’t mean you should (or even could) remain open to any of them. 

Instead, focus on what makes the most sense for your abilities and what you love to do. It’s a path that can lead you toward success and allow you to more quickly find a career that will best jive with your personality and lifestyle. 

6. Trust Your Gut

Finally, it’s time to give yourself a little credit. Trust your gut and know what feels like the right fit at any given moment. You are your own worst critic, but you’re also your own best cheerleader. Listen to what feels right and make it happen. If you know what you didn’t like at previous jobs, remember that when looking for a new one. 

There is much to be said about going with your instincts, and it’s ok to trust yourself every now and then. Besides, doing so can land you with a career that you’ve wanted and one that will last you for the long haul. 

Relying on too many facts can allow you to get in your own head and overthink things. Avoid that mess and do what feels right. This is a great way to move forward with a job that you love and bring you much success in life. 

Besides, you can give yourself a little credit. You made it this far; you know the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong. So what’s the harm in giving yourself the benefit of the doubt? If you’re that worried about it, take your ideas, bounce them off another source, and get their feedback. Someone who knows you best will be your best advocate in this field going forward. 


There are many steps you can take to help lead you to success with your future career. Don’t overlook just how much you can take in long before you ever start in your career of choice. From talking to others, learning the industry, subscribing to key players, paying attention to your own interests, and ultimately, your gut, you can gain incredible traction for your future career.

Take a look at these key steps and see how you can use them on your own path to success. No matter your intended industry of choice, there is much you can do to create a pattern of growth straight from the get-go. Take a look at these best practices listed above and how you can use them in your intended career goals. 

To learn more about landing the job of your dreams and how you can find potential success in your industry, check out our ongoing newsletter. Subscribe today for insider access. 




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David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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