How GTA spawned the world of virtual fashion

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The Future. Over the past two decades, the Grand Theft Auto franchise has taught the game industry to care about what their characters wear — helping to create the virtual fashion industry that now informs real fashion. And with GTA VI on the horizon, that field could get yet another boost from Rockstar’s golden goose.

64-bit fit
From the beginning, the Grand Theft Auto series has had a passion for fashion.

  • GTA III’s protagonist, Claude, donned casual wear that differentiated him from the classic slick mobster type.
  • GTA: Vice City elevated fashion-as-world-building by capturing clothing trends in the city that inspired it.
  • And San Andreas broke with tradition by making fashion choices affect game outcomes.
  • GTA IV emulated the experience of in-person clothes shopping…
  • …while GTA V hired a costume designer and created tens of thousands of possible outfits by scanning human models who wore the clothes in real life.

Rockstar even created fake companies imitating brands like Supreme and Palace and eventually collaborated with real brands to create in-game clothing lines.

Clothesing the gap
With GTA VI dropping sometime in 2025 (and starring the series’ first female protagonist), Rockstar will likely expand their selection of women’s wear. 

Now, everyone can look good breaking the law.

Luke Perrotta


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