AI leaps could create “decacorns”

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Recent advancements in natural language processing have already resulted in astounding AI technology like ChatGPT and Google Bard. But some believe that the tech’s about to make huge waves in other industries — potentially turning startups into $100+ billion companies.

Fantastic beasts
Tech investor Amir Khan thinks three firms are particularly well-positioned to leverage AI’s recent strides.

  • Healthcare firm Owkin enlists AI to study millions of patients’ medical data to help doctors make more accurate diagnoses.
  • Autonomous driving startup Motional has successfully completed 100k self-driving robotaxi rides since 2021 without a single accident.
  • Nexar, another self-driving car company, connects all its vehicles’ dash cams in a “safe driving network” that helps self-driving vehicles communicate to prevent crashes.

Hold your horses
Major hurdles remain. Many of these products are expensive and require human oversight to correct for potential mechanical errors, like data set bias or an inability to resolve 100% of driving situations autonomously. But if these issues are addressed — and given the rate of AI’s development, they’re likely to be — then these companies just might be the future of AI.

Luke Perrotta


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