Bain & Co. recommends AI leave creatives alone

Hollywood gets some creator-friendly AI advice

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The Future. Bain & Co’s newest report, “Tech in Content Production: Will AI Kill the Video Star?,” argues creativity (and the people behind it) are far more valuable than the capabilities of generative AI. But, emerging tech does offer the potential to make production and post-production cheaper and more efficient. If heeded, the report could be a blueprint for future projects… and ensure the pressure points that led to this year’s strikes don’t become a common occurrence.

Better ideas
Management consulting firm Bain & Co.’s report has two main points.

  • “Don’t replace creatives with robots.” Studios should “spurn” that path and “protect the creative engines that power your business” because they’re the only ones capable of “quality content.” Also, generative AI has too many “ethical and legal risks.”
  • “Do use new technologies to elevate creative ideas.” New techs, like generative AI, game engines, and LED walls, should help unlock creative potential and make the production process quicker and cheaper — especially as filmmaking becomes more digitized.

The report even offers detailed examples of how tech can be applied to cut an average of 20% from budgets and reduce shooting schedules — two tenants that are key to making streaming more profitable. No wonder Disney put together an AI team focused on those goals.

And you can’t beat Bain & Co.’s ultimate takeaway: “More efficient production means more money to support more stories and grow the core of your business.”

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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