Boomy makes “one button” music production possible with AI

Boomy wants to help cash-strapped musicians turn their ideas into fully-fleshed out songs.

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Boomy makes “one button” music production possible with AI


The Future. Boomy wants to help cash-strapped musicians turn their ideas into fully-fleshed out songs, using AI to help produce. Though some may criticize the company for turning music creation into a digital assembly-line product, Boomy may be perfect for up-and-coming artists looking to create background beats for digital videos.

A startup called Boomy wants to take the production out of music production.

  • Using AI, Boomy wants to help musicians realize their creations without having to learn producing tools like Ableton Live or Pro Tools.
  • The web-based app is described as a “one-button” music studio, allowing musicians to allegedly create a song in five to ten minutes.

Musicians simply click “Create Song,” select their beat presets, toggle the mix and composition, and add lyrics (presumably). The completed songs can then be directly uploaded to over 40 streaming services.

Computer co-writer
Boomy’s real goal is to mint more musicians who can earn revenue on streaming platforms, where Boomy will take 20% of the revenue. Boomy has been under the radar for a couple of years, but so far it has already been used to create three million songs and paid out “tens of thousands” of dollars in royalties.

Additionally, Boomy stresses that the AI wasn’t built using already-copyrighted music… deftly making sure that the platform’s algorithm doesn’t accidentally make something that will put it (and the musicians) in legal trouble.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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