CAA partners with Veritone on a client-asset vault

Together with

The Future. CAA has struck a deal with Irvine, California-based AI firm Veritone to act as its technology partner for its “CAAVault” service — the Hollywood talent agency’s one-stop-shop solution for helping clients enter the age of AI. Don’t be surprised if some clients start to book a lot of work by exploiting the creative possibilities of CAAVault… forcing more agencies to build their own services to compete.

Generative goldmine
CAA is putting the digitally-captured talents of clients under lock and key.

  • CAA has tapped AI firm Veritone to handle “ingesting, organizing, and storing the digital assets and all associated metadata” that the CAAVault captures.
  • Wait, what’s the CAAVault? It’s the in-house service created last year at the Hollywood agency that digitally scans clients and records their voices so that it can store their inherent IP.
  • The plan is to give clients full control over their “personal vault” to protect their likeness from AI manipulation or license it to specific projects as a new source of revenue.

Variety notes that CAA hopes to put the power of “consent, credit, and compensation related to AI usage” in the hands of talent — all major points of contention during the dual strikes in Hollywood last year.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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