Companies work in the metaverse to ditch screens

Zoom fatigue has set in.

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Companies work in the metaverse to ditch screens


The Future. After eighteen months of a pandemic (and counting!), Zoom fatigue has set in. Now, some companies are diving even further into the digital world. The metaverse is rendering factors like geography irrelevant for hiring, and, one day, may make companies more organically diverse.

Zoom off
What if your office was inside a video game?

  • Employees at metaverse companies like Topia and Stageverse have actively started hanging out in their creations as a way to casually chat with coworkers.
  • Virtual experience developer Supersocial, which already spends most of their working hours in the metaverse, built a virtual office.
  • Journalists at the esports news website Upcomer created a virtual staff lounge in Minecraft.

Another company, VRDirect, has worked with clients such as Porsche and Nestle on VR work events which have been used for everything from employee onboarding to conferences.

Access port
A study by Stanford University found that “struggling to pick up on nonverbal communication, constantly having to look at oneself and conversing in immobile digital environments” were all downsides to video conferencing that led to “Zoom fatigue.”

By moving things into the metaverse, employees report that they could recreate that sense of getting up and moving around, having spontaneous conversations, and avoiding constant eye contact that makes a physical workplace feel more low-pressure.

And with Facebook having just launched its VR-metaverse platform Horizon Workrooms, more companies may soon give the experiment a shot.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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