Iger brings back past leaders of the Mouse House

Disney gets the band back together

Together with

The Future. Disney is potentially bringing back former C-suite execs Kevin Mayer and Tom Staggs to help figure out the company’s next steps for its linear TV channels — assets that CEO Bob Iger recently revealed could be up for sale. While that’s significant in and of itself, it’s even more interesting when considering Iger’s mandate to name a successor. But with Mayer and Staggs still in the beginning stages of creating their own empire with Candle Media, it’s possible Disney may need to acquire that company to trap the mice permanently.

Big cheeses
Disney is getting some fresh help from some old friends.

Staggs (who was Disney’s former COO, CFO, and head of parks) and Mayer (who spearheaded the creation of Disney+) were both at one point the heir apparent to Iger’s throne before getting snubbed (Staggs for another Iger contract re-up and Mayer for Bob Chapek). With Iger’s main priority being finding a successor (again), both men are potentially in pole position for another shot at the Mickey-eared crown.

But both Disney alums still co-run the Blackstone-backed Candle Media, which has been on an M&A tear over the past two years as they build a company that wants to be at the intersection of “content, community, and commerce.”

Come to think of it, that sounds a bit like Disney

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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