Drake buys an amusement park

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The Future. Drake is taking on Disneyland… well, not exactly. But the rapper and his entertainment firm, DreamCrew, have purchased the assets of the forgotten, artist-driven Luna Luna amusement park. While it’ll simply be displayed as an art exhibit for now, DreamCrew’s ultimate ambition to turn it into a full-fledged, rideable destination could make independent, bespoke carnivals the coolest new addition to the experience economy.

For all the carnies
Only put up for a brief run in Hamburg, Germany in 1987, the Luna Luna theme park was crippled by financial and legal headaches and ultimately lost to time… until Drake’s DreamCrew found it sitting in shipping containers two hours north of Dallas.

  • DreamCrew purchased Luna Luna’s entire collection of trippy carnival rides, which were designed by contemporary artists like Jean-Michel Basquiat and Salvador Dalí, from the Stephen and Mary Birch Foundation.
  • It’s currently being set up in a 60,000 square foot warehouse in downtown LA as a multi-month, immersive art exhibition, dubbed “Luna Luna Forgotten Fantasy,” that opens next spring.
  • The rides won’t be… well… rideable, but some will be functional, and performers will also wander the space to recreate the feel of the original attraction.
  • And LA won’t be the first stop — the firm plans to take the exhibit on the road as part of a larger cultural project “to reclaim the amusement park as an art-driven space,” per the LA Times.

DreamCrew is also talking with European ride manufacturers to one day bring the rides up to code and turn the exhibit into a full-fledged theme park… offering a lot of people the chance to give history a whirl.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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