Ecologi makes carbon offsetting a subscription

A startup called Ecologi is making investing in carbon offsetting as simple as subscribing to Netflix.

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Ecologi makes carbon offsetting a subscription


The Future. A startup called Ecologi is making investing in carbon offsetting as simple as subscribing to Netflix. The subscription service does the hard work for you of planting trees and investing in other sustainable projects… which could make saving the environment an automatic task for anyone with a credit card.

Sustainable autopay
Looks like we have another subscription to add to the (growing) list.

  • A U.K. startup called Ecologi lets people subscribe to carbon-offsetting initiatives — automatic goodness for the environment.
  • It currently has 35,000 users who can “grow their own forest” (great marketing).
  • The funds collected by Ecologi are used to plant 1 million trees every ten days, as well as financing for other carbon-offsetting projects that are “tailored to what you consume.”
  • Most of the trees are planted in Africa, Latin America, and Indonesia.

The company recently raised $5.75 million, which it plans to use to grow its teams, develop more products, and expand in the U.S. and the U.K.

Carbon steps
Since launching in 2019, Ecologi has planted “over 25 million trees and offset 1.2 million tons of CO2 emissions.” Additionally, it has helped protect the peatlands in Indonesia and helped create energy from landfill gas in Turkey and rice husks in India. For transparency, it puts all of its activity on a public ledger, which you can see here.

Next year, the company plans to roll out a new program called Ecologi Zero — a software for businesses to track their real-time carbon footprint.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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