Fandom-powered streamers find success in niches

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The Future. They may not have tens of millions of subscribers, but several new fandom-focused streamers make that up by having deeply passionate user bases. If enough of these streamers pop up, especially ones driven by digital creators, it’s possible that a new type of streaming bundle could be created to take these platforms to the next level… potentially bringing back the concept of the multi-channel network.

Niche streamers are all about the quality of subscribers.

  • Dropout — born out of the 2000s internet-comedy giant CollegeHumor — saw its viewership grow 600% over the past three years, with hours watched hitting eight million in April. An upcoming live taping of one of its shows sold out Madison Square Garden.
  • Nebula, a creator-owned streaming service, saw its users triple over the past year, is profitable, and only has a single-digit churn rate. It recently struck deals with Morning Brew and Spotify and opened a film studio.
  • Beacon — created by the super popular Dungeons & Dragons-playing YouTubers Critical Role — has seen “overwhelming” engagement for a service that mixes streaming, podcasts, Discord chats, and merch.

Now, individual creators are even getting in on the action — including Watcher Entertainment, The Try Guys, and Sidemen — believing that owning their fanbase could insulate them from the changing whims of YouTube algorithms.

With most of the platforms priced under $6 per month, maybe the streaming wars are not necessarily over… they’re just getting smaller.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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