Gen Z Goes Non-Alcoholic

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Gen Zers are increasingly going sober or sober-curious as changing norms take the social pressure off of consuming alcohol to have fun.

The Big Picture: Young people going sober are already having major ripple effects across the food and beverage industry, the sports economy, and nightlife scenes.

Between the Beverages: Just how sober is Gen Z?

  • A Gallup poll found that the share of 18-to-34-year-olds who drink hit a record low of 59%.
  • The share of the same group who considers even “moderate” drinking bad for them has risen to 65% — double the number of people who did at the start of the century.
  • Instead, young people are turning to non-alcoholic drinks, including mocktails and booze-free beers (like Tom Holland’s new BERO).
  • IWSR, a top insights firm for the beverage industry, found that the non-alcoholic drink volume grew 29% in 2023 and is now a market worth $13 billion. 17% of drinkers are new to the market.

Last Call: Why are people closing out their tabs for good? The reasons are varied — it’s not particularly good for you, it doesn’t make you feel good, there’s a new focus on health and well-being, and a growing movement toward alcohol-free socializing. Now, alcohol doesn’t seem as cool as it did to previous generations. 

What’s becoming cooler again is actually socializing in real life (not just through screens). Coupled with the sober movement, spaces that provide fun and connection that don’t require a little liquid courage could be the biggest trends over the next decade… until a new generation finds the taste for some bubbly.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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