Gen Z prioritizes travel over education

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The Future. Looking ahead to the next five years, Gen Z ranks being personally fulfilled, cultivating and maintaining friendships, and traveling as more important goals than advancing their education. This may prove (at least among younger generations) that life experience really is the best teacher… and investment.

School’s out
Business Insider and YouGov conducted a survey that included over 600 Gen Zers and asked respondents to choose more than one option (if they wanted to) about their most important goals.

  • 72% said being financially stable is a priority at a time when inflation is still pretty high.
  • 46% said cultivating and maintaining friendships and having a fulfilling romantic relationship is essential.
  • 43% said traveling is an important goal, compared to 39% who said advancing their education is.

Wanderlust’s in
According to the report, only 48% of Gen Z respondents would describe themselves as “fully or mostly financially independent.”

The prohibitive cost of tuition might keep Gen Zers from feeling the need to advance their schooling. It seems they’d rather make money so they can travel — even if that puts them on a different timeline or schedule than generations past.

Kait Cunniff

Kait is a Chicago-raised, LA-based writer and NYU film grad. She created an anthology TV series for Refinery29 and worked as a development executive for John Wells Productions, Jon M. Chu, and Paramount Pictures. Her favorite color is orange.


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