Gen Z Knowledge Workers Are Using AI

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A study by Google found that nearly all Gen Z knowledge workers are using AI in their day-to-day tasks.

The Big Picture: While overall AI use among workers is plateauing, the revelation that young professionals are actively leveraging the tools could ensure that the technology is here to stay.

Behind the Code: Google surveyed 1,005 full-time knowledge workers between the ages of 22 and 39… and found some surprising AI adoption.

  • 93% of those between 22 and 27, and 79% of those from 28 to 39, use two more AI tools a week.
  • They use the tools to revise documents or email, take notes during meetings, or brainstorm ideas, per Google VP of product Yulie Kwon Kim.
  • Additionally, 88% of Gen Z respondents use the tools to start a task that “felt overwhelming,” per Axios.
  • And 52% of Gen Zers don’t mind discussing their use of AI with colleagues.

Closing Thoughts: Google is likely very happy with these results, signaling to the company that it should double down on marketing AI tools to younger generations if it wants to become indispensable in the future. Speaking of indispensable, as AI threatens thousands of entry-level jobs, it may soon become a necessity for young workers to have experience with AI tools to land the shrinking pool of jobs that haven’t been displaced by the tech.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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