People just want a human when they call customer service

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Gen Z may not like talking on the phone generally, but they do love it when it comes to talking to a human customer service representative. Unfortunately, getting one on the phone has become a nearly impossible maze.

The Big Picture: Companies that make talking to a flesh-and-blood customer service rep a part of their business plan could find themselves with a loyal customer base who feels like their questions and concerns are valued.

Between the Lines: Insider notes that talking to a human customer service rep is now “a privilege, not a right.”

  • Companies have opted to put customer service help in the hands of chatbots, FAQs, and email, leaving humans as a last resort.
  • Some brands, like Best Buy, Fidelity, and Yelp, are even putting easy access to humans behind a paywall.
  • That corporate cost-cutting on call centers has a negative impact on customer satisfaction — research shows that people really want human connection when going through a stressful situation.

Closing Thoughts: When dealing with “premium brands or services,” Gen Z actually likes to call as much as boomers (millennials still hate picking up the phone). While boomers decry that talking to a person is simply how things used to be, Gen Zers now see the ability to speak to someone as a luxury. So, by giving them something that used to be commonplace, any brand might be able to look like they’re going the extra mile for their customers. Prepare for some budgets to be… well… rebudgeted.

Go Deeper: Will AI solve our customer-service crisis? Please hold…

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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