Jack White physically leaks a new album

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The Future. Rock star Jack White (of The White Stripes and more) is making his newest solo album go viral without even releasing it online, opting instead to give it away for free from his record stores. Considering the buzz that’s already building and how popular vinyls have become again, the new era of stealth album launches may be about eventizing them IRL.

Record search
On Friday, employees at White’s Third Man Records in Detroit, Nashville, and London started silently slipping a vinyl titled NO NAME into customers’ bags when they purchased something.

  • Turns out, it was an unmarked new White album — his first since 2022’s double whammy of Entering Heaven Alive and Fear of the Dawn.
  • Reps for White and Third Man have stayed mum on the record and have refused to do any promotion for it other than an Instagram post and a few Insta Stories.
  • But that hasn’t stopped word from getting out — people reportedly flocked to the three stores to score one, copies went on eBay for up to $1,000, and the album has been ripped and shared on YouTube (per White’s okay).

How could such a stunt be pulled off so discreetly? White owns his own record-pressing plant, allowing everything to be done in-house.

Very cool.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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