Pix programs an AI entertainment curator

Together with

The Future. Startup Likewise, founded by former Microsoft communications chief Larry Cohen and backed by Bill Gates, is launching an entertainment recommendation chatbot called “Pix.” Even though streaming services are beginning to test their own AI-powered curation systems, having an easy-to-use virtual assistant that can send knowledgeable recs across streamers and surface relevant information on those titles may make them all obsolete… as long as it remains much cheaper than the streamers themselves.

Automated scroll
Can’t think of something to watch? Now you can ask AI.

  • Pix, which uses Likewise’s proprietary data and tech from OpenAI, will be able to offer on-demand, personalized recommendations for movies, shows, books, and podcasts.
  • People can ask Pix for recs via text, email, on the Pix mobile app, the company’s website, or via voice-remote on Pix’s TV app.
  • Pix’s recommendations span all currently available streaming services, with users able to ask for recommendations from specific groupings — making sure they don’t get recs for titles on streamers they don’t have.
  • Pix’s recommendations are updated in real time, making sure users don’t get sent titles that are no longer available, and will send users recs based on their preferences when they become available.

When Pix sends a recommendation, it also sends a webpage that includes information like “description, rating, reviews and, for movies and TV shows, a trailer to watch,” according to TechCrunch.

Pix is currently free for users, leveraging ads to generate revenue — a move straight from the social media playbook. Which means, in the near future, expect this to become a paid subscription… just like your slate of streaming services.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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