Netflix Debuts “Netflix Bites” Restaurant in Vegas

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Netflix has officially released one of its most ambitious projects yet — an upscale restaurant on the Las Vegas strip called “Netflix Bites” that puts popular movie and TV IP onto your dinner plate.

The Big Picture: Netflix hopes that Netflix Bites (which it had road-tested as pop-ups in recent years) can combine two popular trends — themed dining experiences and cultural franchises — to become a new destination for Vegas visitors. If successful, it could launch a food franchise literally built on favorite franchises… and bring Netflix a little closer to becoming The Walt Disney Company of the streaming world.

Behind the Scenes: If you’ve ever watched Stranger Things and thought, “I’d like a slice of that Surfer Boy Pizza,” then your dreams have come true.

  • The pop-art, pastel-decorated Netflix Bites has opened for a one-year restaurant in residency at the MGM Grand — it’s currently accepting walk-ins, and it’ll start accepting reservations on February 20th.
  • It features dishes from over 30 different Netflix properties, including Bird BoxGlass OnionBridgertonWednesdaySelling Sunset, and WWE RAW — allowing the restaurant to experiment with several different types of cuisine.
  • And because Netflix is first and foremost an entertainment company, some dishes feature interactive easter eggs — such as the aforementioned Stranger Things pizza box including a number that diners can call to hear a greeting from characters on the show.

Final Order: Netflix Bites is novel for the type of restaurant found in Vegas, which are typically “tied to a celebrity chef, or it’s tied to a chain, or it’s tied to a specific cuisine,” according to MGM executive chef Russ Hurry. By being tied to a constant flow of new IP, the restaurant could thrive on a rotating menu that keeps customers coming back for more.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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