Niantic Unveils 3D-Image Quest App

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Niantic, the developer of popular AR games Pokémon Go and Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, has launched a new app called “Into the Scaniverse” that allows users to scan, upload, share, and explore 3D scans of places and objects all around the world.

The Global Picture: Niantic has made it a mission to use technology, such as 3D scanning, AR, and the metaverse, to increase people’s engagement with the real world… as opposed to getting lost in digital ones.

Behind the Photos: Into the Scaniverse could help people explore the world in entirely new ways.

  • The app features a shared map of detailed 3D images of public spaces and objects, created by users through Niantic’s separate Scaniverse app — offering a true sense of an object’s scale or an area’s surroundings.
  • Using the Meta Quest 3, users can walk around the objects in VR. In the Quest app, users can even explore the Scaniverse map in a digital hot air balloon and then click on pins that display the 3D images scanned there.
  • The images can also be viewed on a smartphone or the web and be shared on social media.
  • They’re also publicly available for developers to use to build games and experiences through Niantic Studio.

Last Snapshot: Niantic told Fast Company that the map already features over 50,000 scans (which only take a few minutes on your smartphone to capture), including places like Stonehenge, Japanese temples, and an Elvis shrine. Next time you plan a vacation, you might consult Into the Scaniverse to build your itinerary.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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