Remote works creates a non-linear work schedule

The rise of remote work has allowed people to set their own schedules and design their ideal workdays.

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Remote works creates a non-linear work schedule


The Future. The rise of remote work has allowed people to set their own schedules and design their ideal workdays. A McKinsey study found that 40% of workers consider a flexible work schedule a top motivator for staying in a position. Offering that perk could be a great recruitment tool for companies looking to stand apart.

Always on, always off
The eight-hour workday is getting spread out, according to the BBC.

  • Remote work has led to the rise of “non-linear workdays,” allowing people to set flexible work hours.
  • That gives people the ability to work during time blocks when they’re the most productive or when it makes the most sense for the flow of their day, especially if they have a family.
  • That shifts the focus from work time to work outcomes since being chained to the desk eight hours a day is no longer necessary.

Flexible work has also proven to be beneficial for people’s well-being, with Laura Giurge, an assistant professor of behavioral science at the London School of Economics and Political Science, noting that people have more time to exercise and opt for home-cooked meals. Those factors could be key defenses against burnout, which was the work buzzword during COVID.

Although flexible work provides employees with an immense amount of freedom, it also has some downsides.

  • Remote work can drown us in notifications, which can be overwhelming and also make it seem like we’re never officially off the clock… even when setting your own hours.
  • Gen Z workers report that they actually miss the office, noting that the in-person experience provides a social life and opportunities for mentorship.

Finding a hybrid model that balances those concerns may be the path forward.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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