Work from home keeps workers at the desk

Employees are clocking in an average of ten more hours per week due to pandemic-induced work-from-home arrangements.

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Work from home keeps workers at the desk


The Future. Employees are clocking in an average of ten more hours per week due to pandemic-induced work-from-home arrangements. While off-the-clock communication and over-scheduling remain an issue, some employees may be opting themselves to clock out later in the day, so they can enjoy some time off in the middle of the day… and that might be for the best.

Work-from-home realities are making it easier for employees to keep the clock running long after the work day is done.

  • According to a study by Microsoft, the average American now works 10 hours longer per week than prior to the pandemic.

But this doesn’t necessarily mean people are working more — just that they are ending their days later than usual. It’s possible the longer workday is a result of employees now dealing with other responsibilities at home or taking longer breaks throughout the day.

Feel the burnout
Studies show that worker burnout doesn’t just come from tackling too much work, but from the lines between work and life being blurred. It’s that always-on mentality of living life while always checking your email.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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