Music fans take a vacation to see their favorite acts for cheap

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The Future. Many Americans either couldn’t get tickets to or couldn’t afford to see Taylor Swift in the US, so they planned European vacations to see her — a phenomenon that Expedia is dubbing “tour tourism.” Considering Beyoncé’s tour is also commanding similar travel, expect tourism firms and live ticketing companies to start offering vacation packages built around seeing in-demand artists.

Tour tourism
Sometimes, it may be cheaper to fly to Europe to see your favorite artist than right in your hometown.

  • Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour kicks off in Paris this week… and 20% of the tickets of her four sold-out shows were purchased by Americans.
  • Stockholm, Sweden, the next stop on her tour, expects 120,000 visitors from 130 different countries — including 10,000 from the US.
  • Airbnb also reported that the UK cities where Swift will be playing — Edinburgh, Liverpool, Cardiff, and London — saw a 337% increase in rental searches. It’s Swiftonomics at work.

Melanie Fish, a spokesperson and travel expert at Expedia, broke down the math best: “They said, Wait a minute, I can either spend $1,500 to go see my favorite artist in Miami, or I can take that $1,500 and buy a concert ticket, a round-trip plane ticket, and three nights in a hotel room.”

Who wants to go to Europe now?

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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