Topgolf aims high for cross-generational love

Topgolf lets it rip

Together with

The Future. Topgolf, which mixes gamified driving ranges with the vibe of Buffalo Wild Wings, has become a go-to destination for younger players, converting a new generation to the game. The key to that strategy has been making golf as fun and accessible as possible, reversing its stigma as an old, stuffy pastime of the country club set. Expect a wave of funding to sink into companies that hope to be the Topgolf of any other sport.

Swing for the fences
Topgolf is at the forefront of turning golfing into an entertainment spectacle.

  • Topgolf has become a hit among millennial and Gen Z players, with nearly half of the 12 million players aged 18 to 34 playing at “off-course” venues like Topgolf.
  • It did that by mixing beers, wings, and high-tech driving ranges at 95 venues, making golf more of a rowdy Friday night outing than a quiet Sunday afternoon game.
  • Topgolf has additionally scored some savvy partnerships, such as a featured level in the PGA Tour 2K video game, and is moving into apparel, starting with a line of golf gloves.
  • Also, the brand is embedding further into culture, becoming a venue for the 2024 Special Olympics and hosting the influencer-heavy Topgolf Open to celebrate the US Open coming to LA for the first time in 75 years.

Topgolf serviced some 31 million players last year and grew 20.5% in revenue during the first half of this year. And it’s no wonder Callaway, which purchased the brand back in 2021 for $2.6 billion, renamed itself Topgolf Callaway — Topgolf now represents 40% of Callaway’s overall revenue.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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