Travel Companies Predict Next Year’s Itineraries

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Your trips next year may revolve around turning off-the-beaten-path towns into new vacation hotspots, going abroad to find a hard-to-get product, or getting away just to see the night sky a bit clearer.

Why It Flies: Despite tightening budgets and the never-ending headlines of how dicey air travel seems to be right now, domestic and international travel are both up this year. It goes to show that, no matter what, Americans are desperate for a vacation.

Behind the Itineraries: Which trip are you taking next?

  • A “detour destination?” Expedia reports that 63% of travelers are going to typically-ignored locations near big cities next year, including Reims, France (near Paris), Cozumel, Mexico (near Cancun), and Santa Barbara, California (near LA).
  • A “goods getaway?” Expedia also notes that the number of people taking trips to find viral products or foods will increase. No-brainer alert, but 44% of travelers already shop for “local goods they can’t get at home.”
  • Some “noctourism?” reports that traveling to go stargazing is going to ramp up, especially to destinations such as Arches National Park in Utah, Big Bend National Park in Texas, and AMC Maine Woods International Dark Sky Park in Maine.

Final Destinations: When you get to your destination, where you’ll be staying may also be a bit different. Several top tourism countries are cracking down on Airbnbs, so the changing-rental ecosystem may affect your plans. You may even — gasp — need to book a hotel.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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