An AI chatbot runs for UK’s Parliament

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The Future. An AI chatbot named “AI Steve” is running for a seat in Britain’s Parliament next month. If elected, expect countries all around the world to consider passing laws that codify that only humans can run for elected office.

Generative politician
AI Steve is the brainchild of Brighton-based businessman Steve Endacott, the chairman of AI voice company Neural Voice.

  • If AI Steve is elected (which is running as an Independent), Endacott will be the real-life avatar of the chatbot in meetings and parliamentary sessions, per Wired.
  • Endacott plans to collect the viewpoints of voters — AI Steve can have up to 10,000 conversations at once — so that the chatbot can determine its stance on policies.
  • Those stances will then be put forth to human “validators” so that they can be finalized into policy positions… which is allegedly how Endacott will vote, whether or not he agrees.

Endacott created AI Steve out of his frustration with running for office as a human being, similar to how copyright is awarded. Maybe he’ll have better luck as a chatbot? 

But first, he’ll need to change its name on the ballot from “Steve AI.” The frustration continues.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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