AI may make a designer out of anyone

With how easy AI is to use, it may soon become to design what a thesaurus is to writing.

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The Future. Canva CMO Zach Kitschke believes that AI can fashion anyone into a designer… and that’s going to be a key skill for anyone in marketing or content creation. As businesses further rely on videos, visual decks, and other illustrative presentations for pitches and communications, AI may take the burden off learning the nuts and bolts of how to create them.

Quick creative
For anyone working in a visual medium, AI has the power to be an indispensable “digital teammate,” according to Kitschke.

  • Canva’s Visual Economy Report found that 61% of 1,600 business leaders now expect non-design employees to have some design experience since so much communication is now visual.
  • With how easy AI is to use, it may soon become to design what a thesaurus is to writing or what Pantone is to interior decorators.
  • This is especially important for marketing teams who don’t have the manpower or budget to effectively create the amount of content needed for digital outlets.

As an example, Kitschke points to Nestlé, which has created a pipeline for its 15,000 marketers across 2,000 brands to use AI in their work. Time will tell if that unwraps some new creativity.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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