“Gen Global” wants their work to be everywhere

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The Future. Young workers don’t just believe in the work-from-anywhere arrangement… they believe their employers should “work from anywhere,” too. As technology makes it possible for employees to be stationed anywhere they want to be, the next era of employee recruitment may be all about setting up satellite offices in vacation destinations.

“Gen Global” is a term coined by Fast Company for the new generation of young workers who grew up with social media connecting them to anyone, anywhere, at all times.

They would like their employers to lean into their lifestyles.

  • A study by G-P found that 79% of employees want to work for a global company, with those under 27 feeling the most passionate about it.
  • In fact, 85% of workers under 27 felt that global companies provided more opportunities for career growth. 
  • Additionally, Gen Global believes that global companies attract top talent, keep up-to-date on tech, are more culturally diverse, and provide better pay and more job flexibility.

Luckily, the feeling is mutual with employers. The same study found that 66% of business leaders say having employees across the globe is part of their strategy, while 28% say it’s “pivotal” to their firm’s future.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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