The Grammys are for humans only

The Grammys disqualify AI

Together with

The Future. The Grammys Board of Trustees announced new rules for the award show this Friday, with one effectively disqualifying AI-generated works. While the rules look cut and dry at first glance, they may actually leave loopholes for more AI-assistance than expected… or desired.

Muting the machines
The Grammys’ new rule dictates that “only human creators are eligible to be submitted for consideration for, nominated for, or win a GRAMMY Award. A work that contains no human authorship is not eligible in any Category.”

And if a work that does incorporate some AI wants to be considered, it must:

  • Have a “meaningful” amount of human work overall
  • Possess a “meaningful” (there’s that word again) amount of human work in whatever category it’s being submitted for
  • And “the author(s) of any AI material incorporated into the work” won’t be eligible

While the Grammys seem to be positioning themselves as anti-AI (as most arts and entertainment organizations are), the wording may inadvertently lead to confusion — What is considered meaningful? Who is the author of AI-generated content? Are the authors of copyrighted material used to generate AI-assisted works barred from eligibility?

Yeah, we have questions… and we’re sure musicians, labels, rights holders, and everyone else also do. Well, everyone but Drake and The Weeknd, even if they’re no fans of AI.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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