Hawaii settles a youth-led climate lawsuit with a decarbonization promise

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The Future. A group of young people in Hawaii is behind the first youth-led climate case to score victory in decarbonizing a state’s transportation sector, successfully arguing that Hawaii’s state constitution guaranteed its citizens the right to a clean climate and the protection of its natural beauty and resources. Expect similar lawsuits to now be filed, too, or at the very least reach parity with the timing of Hawaii’s new sustainability roadmap.

Think of the children
As part of the settlement, Hawaii will…

  • Develop a plan to achieve zero emissions for its ground, sea, and inner island air transportation systems by 2045 (which is when the state was planning to become carbon neutral).
  • Create a volunteer youth council to advise the state’s Transportation department and a team within the department focused on decarbonization.
  • Set aside $40 million to expand the state’s public EV charging network by 2023 and improve pedestrian, biking, and public transportation systems.

The case, which was filed in 2022 when the kids were between the ages of 9 and 18, was set to go to trial today, but a favorable ruling in Montana — which focused on empowering regulators to consider the climate impacts of new fossil fuel-powered projects — set a precedent that favored the kids’ case.

A judge in Honolulu said current laws required that the state be “timely” in its actions to address climate change… and the current pace of development was hurting these kids’ future.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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