LinkedIn wants to apply to jobs for you

Together with

The Future. LinkedIn announced a slate of new AI-powered features and AI-focused tools to help connect job seekers with open positions. Don’t be surprised if the future of job searches is your chatbot getting interviewed by an employer’s chatbot.

Application assistant
Need a job? LinkedIn wants to be your recruiter, coach, and educator.

  • The social platform allows job seekers to search for specific jobs using AI-powered text prompts and then generate resumés and cover letters for the positions.
  • It’s bolstering its video-based learning feature with new AI instructional videos. Existing videos have seen a 1,650% surge in demand over the past year.
  • Premium subscribers also get access to personalized, AI-powered coaches that will roll out across the platform and take their expertise from instructors like Lisa Gates and Anil Gupta.

LinkedIn, which is owned by Microsoft (a major investor in OpenAI), is seemingly trying to solve two issues at the same time — a difficult-to-navigate labor market slowdown and the rise of AI in the interview process. Landing a job is a mix of finding an open position and then navigating a sort of people-based SEO system that weeds out candidates.

By putting AI in your corner, you may be able to fight data with data.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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