Ministry of Supply weaves a heat-shaping 4D dress

Together with

The Future. American fashion label Ministry of Supply has partnered with MIT’s Self-Assembly Line on a dress that’s essentially a blank canvas for whatever the customer wants at that very moment. You just have to apply some heat. Once it’s ready for a full roll-out, the new marker of sustainability will be owning just a handful of pieces that can be continually customized for any occasion.

Size to fit
Ministry of Supply is stocking up on a dress that’s made to order.

  • The gray, sleeveless dress — the newest addition to the label’s 4D knit line — looks like “a baggy, loose-fitting shift dress that can be worn as-is,” per Fast Company.
  • But, when blasted by a heat gun, the dress can be reshaped into whatever style the customer wants and resized to fit.
  • The dress is made with a combination of “active yarn” and viscose yarn (made from wood pulp), so it’s both functional and comfortable (it reportedly feels like cotton cashmere).

Currently, the dress is being “piloted” by 20 Ministry of Supply customers. Once it’s ready to be commercialized, company co-founder and CEO Gihan Amarasiriwardena believes that it’ll cost somewhere between $200 and $300, and it’ll bring down costs for the brand since they’ll be able to hold stock that’s, technically, all the same size.

And for those wondering, yes, it’s dryer safe.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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