AI is already streamlining Hollywood VFX

Like any good VFX, AI is already quietly enhancing movie magic.

Together with

The Future. While many fear that AI may eventually be used to replace screenwriters or actors, it’s likelier that it will be used to revolutionize post-production pipelines — so that projects can get done faster and cheaper. With the power and cost-savings of AI tools, lower-budget movies may realize a scope or ambition that wouldn’t have been possible even a year ago.

A sprinkle of AI
Like any good VFX, AI is already quietly enhancing movie magic.

  • Robert Zemeckis is using software from startup Metaphysic to de-age actors Tom Hanks and Robin Writing in real time on the set of his new movie, Here.
  • Filmmaker Joe Penna used a custom-made generative AI on the set of Anna Kendrick’s debut feature, The Dating Game, to make 5,000 photos for the 70s set film.
  • Evan Halleck, a VFX artist on Everything Everywhere All at Once, used generative AI from Runway to remove the pulley system used to move the rocks in this scene.

Additionally, new companies are popping up that use AI and deepfake tools as their go-to service. South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker have raised $20 million for their startup Deep Voodoo, which famously put its face-swapping tech to the test in Kendrick Lamar’s music video for “The Heart Part 5.”

Just be prepared for the rules and compensation around AI augmentation to be baked into every talent contract from here on out.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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