Snap wants to give brands a leg up in AR

Snap is bringing the power of AR outside of Snapchat with its new AR Enterprise Services (ARES) business unit, giving retailers the ability to build native AR try-on tools on their own platforms.

Together with

The Future. Snap is bringing the power of AR outside of Snapchat with its new AR Enterprise Services (ARES) business unit, giving retailers the ability to build native AR try-on tools on their own platforms. With Snap also giving creators tools to build AR experiences, the tech company may become the frontrunner in AR by its sheer willingness to make it a priority.

Dressing room apps
With its “Shopping Suite” and “Enterprise Manager Backend” system, Snap’s new ARES arm will act as a service business to help retailers…

  • Build AR try-on experiences for things like clothes, shoes, accessories, and furniture
  • Increase e-commerce sales conversions through AR
  • Reduce returns (better try-on capabilities, less need to return items)
  • Help with product marketing and customer service support

On the customer end, shoppers will be able to do things like upload a photo of themselves to see how clothes would look or try on products in real time through AR. They can also use a 3D Viewer tool to look at all the angles of a product… or the product on themselves.

Snap says it already has over 300 customers, such as Goodr and Gobi Cashmere.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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