Xbox downloads a social strategy

Microsoft is introducing new social sharing and trending features that connect Xbox users to other social platforms.

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Xbox downloads a social strategy


The Future. Microsoft is introducing new social sharing and trending features that connect Xbox users to other social platforms. By leaning into the social aspects of gaming, Xbox may be hoping to turn the practice of saving replays or screenshots into engaging content everywhere off console.

Share the victories
Microsoft thinks that Xbox should be more of a social platform.

  • Xbox is rolling out a feature that will allow users to share clips from video games, such as replays and screenshots, via “unique public URLs” called “Link Sharing.”
  • The links are accessible on the Xbox mobile app and can then be shared to other social platforms.
  • The app will also include a “trending content” section so users can view the most popular clips being shared.

The feature is currently in beta but will be rolling out to all users soon.

New boss battle
Xbox’s new trending content section functions as a TikTok-like feed that allows users to do the requisite liking, sharing, and commenting that drives engagement. It’s available on both iOS and Android.

Does that mean that Xbox wants to open up a bonafide social platform like the aforementioned TikTok or Instagram? Maybe… but it could also be looking for a way to make streams on Twitch (which Microsoft also owns) more shareable.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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