Prime Video turns your TV remote into a shopping cart

Together with

The Future. Amazon is finally blending its namesake retail business with its popular Prime Video service with three new shoppable ad formats. Thanks to the novel tech, expect Amazon’s first advertising upfronts, which take place later this week, to be full of this new format.

Ad surfing
Here are the three ways you’ll be able to shop an ad on Prime Video with only your remote:

  • Carousel ads, which will show a swipeable lineup of products from a brand during a commercial. Users will be able to add as many products as they want to their Amazon cart.
  • Interactive pause ads, which will play whenever someone pauses a movie or show they’re watching. These ads will include a translucent banner with products.
  • Interactive brand trivia ads, which will allow audiences to navigate the ads to learn more about that brand — expect this to be huge during live sports events.

This is a big deal for Amazon, which, like every streaming service, has been trying to figure out a way to make ads shoppable without the need for a QR code. The tech giant, which alleges to reach 200 million customers with ads and recently made Prime Video ad-supported by default, hopes these features will be a massive growth engine.

And look out for NBCUniversal’s Peacock partnership with Instacart for the upcoming Summer Olympics. Don’t be surprised if Amazon also rolls out a Whole Foods-ordering feature to compete.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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