ChatGPT lost its mind

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The Future. ChatGPT went a little cuckoo over the past couple of days, answering queries with gibberish as if the tech was experiencing one big “hallucination.” As ChatGPT starts to power AI agents from various high-profile companies, a future breakdown could cause an internet-wide freakout that makes some services nearly unusable.

Code corruption
Several users have reported that ChatGPT has been going off the rails with responses to prompts.

  • The chatbot has been answering in incoherent Spanglish, writing nonsense sentences, and endlessly repeating phrases.
  • One response to a prompt asking about the difference between mattresses in the East and West was especially wild.
  • OpenAI is aware of the issue, posting on its status dashboard that it was “investigating reports of unexpected responses from ChatGPT.”

While hilarious, the breakdown of ChatGPT — however brief — has likely sent chills down the spines of enterprise customers, who are using the chatbot as the foundation for company-wide transitions to AI. If ChatGPT can just go insane, their own customers may think twice about using their products.

But, hey, a newly announced deal with Match Group could at least make online dating very interesting.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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