Walmart puts its IRL product shelves in the metaverse

Together with

The Future. Walmart is testing out stores within Roblox where users can browse for and buy real items that the retailer will ship to them like any other online order. If the feature takes off, it’s likely that not only every industry (music, fashion, tech) will cash in but also that you may start to see some product startups build their flagship stores in Roblox to reach a global market.

Run into Roblox
Soon, you may be able to do your grocery shopping in Roblox.

  • Inside Walmart’s Discovered experience (Walmart’s in-game shop for virtual items), the retailer will allow kids aged 13 and up in the US to buy IRL products that will be shipped to them. They’ll also be given a digital twin of the product.
  • Customers will be able to browse virtual stores as their avatars, and when they find something they want to purchase, an in-game laptop will pull up the Walmart ecommerce site.
  • To kick off the partnership, the shop will feature products made by popular creators, such as MD17_RBLX, Junozy, and Sarabxlla.

Walmart’s in-game IRL shop is technically just a test for now that will run through the month of May (Roblox won’t be taking a cut of sales). But if all goes well, the feature could expand to become a huge revenue generator for Roblox and may give Walmart the opportunity to become the default provider for the company.

It looks like online shopping may get a whole lot more interactive.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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