West Cancer Center Debuts Holographic Doctors

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A healthcare and research group out of Memphis, Tennessee is the first in the US to roll out hologram technology at 11 of its clinics to connect cancer doctors with rural patients, so that they don’t have to make the trip to urban medical centers.

The Big Picture: Amid a major doctor shortage in the US, tech that can remotely connect people with the care they need — in a way that mimics in-person appointments — may lead to greater empathy and better care.

Between the Lines: West Cancer Center is using hologram tech to “address discrepancies in cancer care in rural communities,” according to the director of marketing and patient communications, Julie Flanery.

  • The hologram of the doctor appears inside a $29,000, “phone-booth-sized box” (per Fast Company’s Adele Peters) created by startup Proto that uses visual trickery to make it feel like the person is really there in the room with you.
  • While the patient visits a box in an exam room where a dedicated clinic staff member is present, doctors simply need to set up any 4K camera (like an iPhone) to project themselves.
  • Proto is currently working on technology that uses AI to translate the doctor’s voice into any language — a move that would greatly improve access to care.

The Future. Dr. W. Clay Jackson, an oncologist at West Cancer Center, says, “With what I do — palliative care — communication is our procedure […] so, my body language is very important.” For something as sensitive as cancer care, holograms could ensure that patients don’t have worse outcomes because they’re physically and emotionally disconnected from their doctor. And if Proto is able to develop a more consumer-friendly device, Zoom may be a thing of the past for all communication.

Go Deeper: Comedian Howie Mandel is already using Proto hologram tech, so that he can do shows without traveling. Who knew stand-up comedy could be a remote job?

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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