Etsy gives the gift of gift-giving

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The Future. Etsy wants to make gift-giving easier with a new feature called “Gift Mode.” Considering that 75% of Americans think giving good gifts is important but 64% say it takes a lot of effort (per Etsy’s research), “Gift Mode” could be the ecommerce platform’s stand-out product that finally brings it out from under the shadow of Amazon, Walmart, and Shopify.

Brainstorm for Mom
Although Etsy has 90 million users and hosts 100 million products across six million sellers, the company says that only 12% of US shoppers think of the platform when it comes time to get a gift.

So, the company wants to change that.

  • “Gift Mode” leverages human curation, machine learning, and ChatGPT to sort people into 200 different “recipient personas” (The Adventurer, The Music Lover, The Pet Parent, etc.).
  • Gift recommendations are then matched with the makeup of those personas and other specific areas of interests.
  • After a gift purchase, customers can add a note, track the purchase, and even send recipients a sneak-peak of what’s coming their way to build anticipation.

Etsy is pouring major resources into Gift Mode, even securing its first Super Bowl ad to market it. Why the Super Bowl? Etsy CEO Josh Silverman says, in particular, the company has a men problem… as in, they don’t use the platform.

Since men reportedly think that gift-giving is as stressful as doing taxes, the company hopes the tool is the perfect way to win them over.

David Vendrell

Born and raised a stone’s-throw away from the Everglades, David left the Florida swamp for the California desert. Over-caffeinated, he stares at his computer too long either writing the TFP newsletter or screenplays. He is repped by Anonymous Content.


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