Michelin Stars are a high-priced dish
The scoop on Michelin stars
The scoop on Michelin stars
The Future. The rise of AI is generating a lot of anxiety among college-educated workers, with a new survey finding more and more people are starting to believe they could one day be replaced by the tech… which could make regulating it one of the big topics of the upcoming election cycle. Struck by FOBOGallup […]
Short-term rentals pivot to longer stays
Gen Z prefers trade schools over college
The Future. Despite WFH arrangements becoming commonplace during COVID, employers are now reeling those perks back in, asking employees to show up in the office or face termination. Unsurprisingly, workers are pushing back. But with the job market hitting a brick wall due to recession fears, it’s a conflict that most big, team-based, competitive employers […]
Erewhon’s culture splash
Culture looks west
Mental health gets by with a little help from some friends
US homes are shrinking
AI-generated art has no rights